SC111 GPS / VHF / Navtex Antenna Mount
Install GPS & VHF antennas above the radar for maximum visibility and performance.
• All mounting holes predrilled for easy retrofit installation, attach using mounting bolts, no extra fastenings required
• Cables run internally via watertight seal
• Options to mount port or starboard side of radar antenna
• Marine grade 316 stainless steel
Ordering Information
Please note the following when ordering:
• SC111 – Mounted starboard of radar centreline
• SC112 – Mounted port of radar centreline
Designed for the installation of GPS antenna and ‘Whip’ type VHF, HF/SSB, AM/FM, and cellular antenna of up to 1m in height - must have standard 1” x 14TPI thread as their fixing.
They are also designed to work with Pacific Aerials P6161 / P6162 adapter for their Pro range of antennas.
To raise your GPS / VHF Antenna higher or for installation with 30cm satcom antenna an Extender Mount is required.